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Autor objave: Lucija Radetić, 09.09.2020. u kategoriji: Aktualno

Pozvani ste na sudjelovanje na eSTARS 2020 online konferenciji koja će se održati 1. i 2. prosinca 2020. u organizaciji HSE University i Coursere.

Izdvajamo glavne teme ovogodišnje konferencije:

Strategies of State Policy in Education Transformation
Evaluation of Effectiveness of New Approaches in eLearning Process
Transformation of University Infrastructure and New Challenges from Stakeholders in Business, Government and Education
Psychological Aspects of Online Learning
Impact of Digital Transformation on Higher Education: Current Trends
Economics of Online Learning
eLearning Market Researches and Educational Product Portfolio-Building Practices
Sociology of Online Learning
Personalized Educational Trajectories: Using Big Data for Adaptive Systems
eLearning from the Perspective of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Data Analysis and Psychometrics in eLearning

Ostale informacije te rokovi za prijavu i slanje radova dostupni su u privitku.

Vezani dokumenti:

eSTARS 2020 conference call_1.pdf