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Category: Istraživanje i projekti

Employees with outstanding achievements in their scientific-research work in the previous year receive awards and acknowledgements at the manifestation called the Day of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering. The Faculty Council makes the decision concerning awards and acknowledgements according to predetermined criteria.

In the category PUBLICATIONS points are assigned only to those papers indexed in WoS CC database and which were published in the previous year, to a chapter in a book indexed in WoS CC, to proceedings indexed in Wos CC and to a paper published in English in the Faculty`s journal.

In the category PROJECTS points are assigned to national and international scientific projects, and additional points are assigned to applications to national and international scientific projects as well as to cooperation in the projects form other institutions and to a participation in COST actions.

On the occasion of the Day of the Faculty, which took place on 19th December 2019, the following awards were given for a scientific activity:

An award for scientific excellence in the category of the employees elected into scientific-teaching titles was given to:
Full Professor Sanja Kovač

An award for scientific excellence in the category of the employees elected into scientific, teaching and associate titles was given to:
Assistant Professor Nikola Kranjčić

category PROJECTS
A special award for a scientific-research activity in 2019 was given to:
Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Grčić

Rector`s Award

Students who would like to get involved in the scientific-research activity of the Faculty can write a paper (individually or in a team) which is nominated for the Rector`s Award. In 2019/2020, students Jan Marčec, Petar Mrakužić, Ana-Maria Radovan and Mateo Topić won the Rector`s Award in the category of a team scientific and artistic paper for their work "Solar photocatalysis in the protection of water and soil- from an experiment to a preliminary study" (mentor: Assoc. Prof. Ivana Grčić, Ph.D.) In it they showed how solar photocatalysis can be used as an alternative technology for water and air purification. The application of a solar photocatalysis in the air protection represents a pioneering work in that area and the obtained results serve as a good foundation for dimensioning devices on a larger scale and for preventing further pollution of the environment.