Enrolment requirements
Category: Doktorski studij
Here you can see whether you meet the Requirements for the Enrolment in the Doctoral Study Programme in Environmental Engineering Inženjerstvo okoliša. The special requirements for the enrolment in the doctoral study programme are determined by the call issued by the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering.
Have you finished a university graduate or an undergraduate study in the area of technical sciences from a Croatian or a foreign university?
[!] If you have finished your studies abroad, a procedure for the recognition of your qualifications has to be carried out according to valid regulations in Croatia.
[!] In special cases, students who have finished a university graduate study programme in other scientific fields that differ from those which are determined by the doctoral study programme can be allowed to enrol, but they have to pass differential exams and the Postgraduate Doctoral Study Board makes a decision about that. In that case they have to attend and pass differential exams according to a regular graduate study programme of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering (differential exams are not included in the sum calculation of ECTS credits earned during the doctoral study programme).
Is the minimum average grade of your graduate or an undergraduate study programme 3,5?
[!] If your average is less than 3,5, the Postgraduate Doctoral Study Board determines whether you are suitable for the enrolment. In that case you need recommendations by two full professors.
Have you achieved significant scientific results and do you fulfill the requirements prescribed by the Article 73, Subsection 4 of the Law on Scientific Activity and Higher Education? Zakona o znanstvenoj djelatnosti i visokom obrazovanju?
Are you fluent in English?
[!] A minimum of B2 level in English is a necessary requirement for fulfilling your obligations at the doctoral study programme.
If you answer is yes, find out about the enrolment procedure and your obligations on the following webpages.
Enrolment procedure