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Enrolment in the first study year-how?

Category: Preddiplomski studij

The page describes the procedure for enrolling in the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering for Croatian citizens and for Croats who live abroad according to a special quota.

Basic information:

  1. In order to enrol in the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering you have to complete a four-year secondary school and and you have to pass state exams.
  2. Read natječaj za upis studenata u I. godinu sveučilišnih preddiplomskih, integriranih preddiplomskih i diplomskih te stručnih preddiplomskih studija u akademskoj godini 2020./2021. The announcement for the enrolment in the first year of undergraduate study programmes is posted on the web pages of the University of Zagreb and you should pay special attention to pages 35 and 36.

  3. Then read the document attached below Obavijest o upisu . There you can read about everything which is necessary for the enrolment procedure. You should also read {{Vodič za brucoše u ak.god. 2020_2021.pdf|Vodič za brucoše }}. The information about the services offered to students can be found at the following link Sveučilišni računski centar (Srce).

Additional information:

In order to get all additional information concerning the enrolment in the first year of the undergraduate study programe at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, you can call or send an e-mail to:

Phone: 042/408-904 or
E-mail: studentska.referada@gfv.unizg.hr
Head of the Student Records Office: Mrs Sanja Majer.

Linked Documents:

Pravilnik o studiranju na sveučilišnom preddiplomskom i diplomskom studiju Geotehničkog fakulteta.pdf
vodič za brucoše A5_final web-1.pdf
Upisni kriteriji Geotehničkog fakulteta - za ak.god. 2024.-2025..pdf
GFV Studij inženjerstva okoliša 2024.pdf
Provođenje upisa u 1. g. - 2024.-2025. - srpanj 2024..pdf
GFV Studij inzenjerstva okolisa 2024.pdf