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Quality assurance

Category: O fakultetu


The Ordinance on the Quality Assurance System defines the aim, purpose, assessment areas as well as the organisation and implementation of the quality assurance system at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering.

The aim of quality assurance is to build institutional mechanisms for promoting and achieving the highest quality levels of all of the Faculty activities.

The aim of quality assurance system is to establish principles, criteria and methods of quality assurance by respecting the provisions of the Law on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education and the Ordinance on Quality Assurance of the University of Zagreb and by considering the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education.

For the purpose of quality assurance, the Faculty has founded the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), which is responsible for establishing quality assurance procedures for all of the Faculty activities.

According to the Article 30 of the Statute of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, the Faculty Council made a decision to change the members of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) at the 7th session in the academic year 2016/2017 on 22nd March 2017. The members of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) until the end of the academic year 2017/2018 were:

Prof.dr.sc. Nikola Sakač - president
Associate Professor Hrvoje Meaški - member
Mirna Amadori, lecturer - member
Mirjana Flajšman, mag. iur - member
Magdalena Remetović, univ.bacc.ing.amb. - student
Nikolina Novotny-Horčička, dipl.ing.kem. - external member from Varkom Varaždin

The Committee conducts strategic planning and suggests guidelines and measures concerning quality assurance and improvement. The Committee suggests to the Dean and the Faculty Council specific projects and activities and encourages innovations and development for the purpose of quality assurance and improvement.


Pravilnik o sustavu osiguranja kvalitete GFV-a
Pravilnik o sustavu osiguranja kvalitete SuZ-a
Priručnik za osiguravanje Kvalitete GFV-a
Priručnik za osiguravanje Kvalitete SuZ-a
Standardi i smjernice za osiguravanje kvalitete na Europskom prostoru visokog obrazovanja

GFV links

Strategic documents, plans and reports
Teaching assessment
Anonymous system for reporting unacceptable forms of behaviour


Osiguravanje kvalitete na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu
Ured za upravljanje kvalitetom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (URKVA)
Dokumenti i smjernice (URKVA)
Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje (AZVO)

Linked Documents:

Akreditacijska preporuka AZVO-a (2013.).pdf
Reakreditacija - sažetak izvješća stručnog povjerenstva.pdf
Reakreditacijsko izvješće AZVO-a (2012.).pdf
Samoanaliza Geotehničkog fakulteta (2011).pdf
Godišnje izvješće za ak. god. 2015.-2016..pdf
Godišnje izvješće za ak. god. 2016.-2017.pdf
Plan aktivnosti za ak. god. 2015.-2016.pdf
Plan aktivnosti za ak. god. 2016.-2017.pdf
Plan aktivnosti za ak. god. 2017-2018.pdf
2017-18 Godišnje izvješće.pdf
2018-19 Godišnje izvješće.pdf
2018-19 Plan aktivnost.pdf
2019-20 Godišnje izvješće.pdf
2019-20 Plan aktivnosti.pdf
2020-21 Godišnje izvješće.pdf
2020-21 Plan aktivnosti.pdf
MZO Dopusnica (2023).pdf
MZO pismo očekivanja (2020).pdf
AZVO akreditacijska preporuka (2018).pdf
Izvješće reakreditacija (2018).pdf
2021-22 Plan aktivnosti.pdf
2022-23 Plan aktivnosti.pdf
2021-22 Godišnje izvješće.pdf