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Personal data protection

Privacy and data protection policy

With this Privacy policy we would like to inform you about the security measures which the Faculty takes so that in each moment you can know which data we save and how we use them.

The Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering processes data in compliance with the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection. It takes appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to prevent unauthorised access, misuse, loss or destruction of personal data.

Personal data will be processed based on legal obligation, contractional relationship, consent or some other legal basis by respecting the principle of legitimacy and transparency.

Your data will be transparently collected, used, submitted for inspection or processed in some other way. The data on the identity of the person responsible for data processing, information about the way in which you can access your data, the process of making complaints and requests for data updates are made public.

Personal data will be collected for special, explicit and legal purposes and will not be further processed in a way which is not in compliance with such purposes. The data will be collected and stored only when service providing demands it. Data collected for one purpose will not be used for some other purpose or in a way which is not in compliance with the allowed purpose. For the purpose of data processing which is not based on legal grounds or a contract, a consent will be asked from a respondent. A data processing manager and a data processing executor will collect personal data which are necessary for the purpose of data processing.

Respondents` rights

Every respondent has a right to ask a data processing manager to allow them access to their personal data, to correct them, erase them or limit their processing. Respondents have a right to complain about data processing and a right to data transfer. The information about the above mentioned rights can be obtained by sending an e-mail to the employee who is in charge of personal data protection at the Faculty gdpr@gfv.unizg.hr

The data which are being collected have to be correct and in compliance with the purpose of their collecting. Incorrect data will be corrected or erased.

Personal data are stored within deadlines set by legal or other regulations, a contract or a consent.

Linked Documents:

Odluka o imenovanju službenika za zaštitu podataka.pdf
Pravilnik o obradi i zaštiti osobnih podataka.pdf
Zahtjev ispitanika o postojanju prava za pristup osobnim podacima.pdf
Zahtjev ispitanika o pravu na ispravak osobnih podataka.pdf