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Access to information

Category: O fakultetu

Submitting the request for accessing information

The Law on the Right to Access Information (OG 25/13) regulates the right to access information owned by the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering of the University of Zagreb. The Law gives all national and international people and legal entities the right to access information in the same way and under the same conditions. The Law prescribes the principles concerning the right to access information and to use information repeatedly, the limitation of the right to access information and to use information repeatedly, the procedure for obtaining and protecting the right to access information and to use information repeatedly.

The right to access information can be obtained by submitting a request to the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering. If a request is submitted in a written form, it has to be a form of a request to access information, to add/change information or to use information again. In case a form is not used, it has to be emphasized that the information is sought according to the The Law on the Right to Access Information.

The request for obtaining the right to access information can be submitted in the following ways:
• by sending it in a written form to the address: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Geotehnički fakultet, Hallerova aleja 7, 42000 Varaždin
• by sending an e-mail to: mirjana.flajsman@gfv.unizg.hr
• by sending a fax to the following number: 042/313-587
• by bringing a request in person to the registration office of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering every weekday from 7:00 to 15:00

Zahtjev za pristup informacijama
Zahtjev za dopunu ili ispravak informacije
Zahtjev za ponovnu uporabu informacija

The right to access information can be obtained by submitting a written or an oral request to an authorized body of a public authority.
If a request is submitted orally or by using a phone, an official note will be written, and if it is submitted by means of an electronic communication, it will be considered that a written request has been submitted.

A valid request for accessing information must contain:
• the name and the seat of a body of a public authority to whom the request is submitted,
• data which are important for recognizing the sought information,
• name, surname, full address of a person who is submitting a request,
• a company i.e., the name of a corporation and its seat.

Incomplete requests can not be submitted for consideration. A submitter does not have to state their reasons for accessing information or to invoke the application of this Law.

In case access to information is sought from an authorized body of a public authority, administrative and court fees do not have to be paid. The Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering can seek reimbursement of actual material costs resulting from providing information to a person who has a right to access information. The Faculty can also seek reimbursement of costs resulting from delivering the sought information according to the Criteria for determining Actual Material Costs and the Costs of Information Delivery (OG 20/14).

Linked Documents:

Godisnje_izvjesce 2021..pdf