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Environmental Engineering Journal

Category: Istraživanje i projekti

Journal “Environmental Engineering - Inženjerstvo Okoliša“ publishes scientific, professional and other papers in the area of environmental engineering. The journal covers the following topics: geoengineering, the management of water resources, technical aspects of environmental protection and other similar research areas. Papers are accepted for publishing after a positive peer review and they are categorized as original scientific papers, preliminary reports, scientific reviews or professional papers .

The journal is referred in Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) from number 3(2).

In 2019, the journal changed its name from "Inženjerstvo Okoliša " into „Environmental Engineering - Inženjerstvo Okoliša“. In cooperation with a Croatian office for DOI, which mediates between Croatian publishers and a registration agency Crossref, the journal was given DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Since than, the journal has been published in English.

Peer review: external peer reviewers, both national and international, double, all papers, double-blind peer reviews

First year of publishing: 2014

Frequency of publication (annually): 2

Areas it covers: Technical sciences

The date when the journal became active in the portal of the Croatian scientific and professional journals "Hrčak". : 22nd October 2014

Rights of use:
The Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering published the journal twice a year. The publication of a paper in the journal implies that a paper has not been previously published in some other journal. Authors are responsible for the contents of their paper and for disclosing copyrighted data. The journal has a digital form and it is completely free of charge and available online. However, it is possible to subscribe to a printed version. If you are interested in the details of the subscription, you should sent an inquiry to the following e-mail address:casopis@gfv.unizg.hr.

ISSN 1849-4714 (Tisak)
eISSN 1849-5079 (Online)
UDK 62:502/504
Journal abbreviation: EnvEng-IO
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37023/ee

An official page of the journal can be found on: https://hrcak.srce.hr/io

is active with updated content in the portal of the Croatian scientific and professional journals "Hrčak".
Consequently, we received the "Hrčak" seal. The logo is visible in the journal footer: https://hrcak.srce.hr/io

In November 2014, journal “Environmental Engineering - Inženjerstvo Okoliša“ became a member of Crossref and all the articles will have an assigned DOI number starting from Vol. 6 (2019).

The journal has been indexed in:

Editorial board
Journal`s policy
Instructions for authors

For additional information contact us via e-mail:casopis@gfv.unizg.hr.