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Department of Environmental Engineering

Category: Inženjerstvo okoliša

The Department of Environmental Engineering is an organizational unit of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering established at the end of 2011 with the purpose of implementing scientific, teaching, professional and other activities within the scope of environmental engineering. The implementation of activities within the scope of the Department is achieved through a multidisciplinary, engineering approach with the application of the latest scientific methods in the field of waste, air and soil with the aim of finding solutions for systems that enable sustainable development.

The activities of the Department include intensive education in the wider field of profession through the organization of events that include seminars, workshops, round tables, forums, scientific and professional conferences with the aim of achieving the conditions for the implementation of lifelong learning. In order to achieve market recognition of the Department and to increase interest in the study of Environmental Engineering, in 2015, for the first time, at the initiative of the Department, was organized the Open Day of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, which judging by the reactions of visitors and good attendance, was successful and interesting and has been organized continuously ever since.

Since its establishment, the Department has continuously carried out activities of stronger positioning of the Faculty in the field of Environmental Engineering and full national affirmation of this branch in the field of interdisciplinary technical sciences.

Members of the Department of Environmental Engineering

Associate Professor Igor Petrović - Head of the Department

Associate Professor Aleksandra Anić Vučinić
Prof.dr.sc. Nikola Sakač
Mario Šiljeg
Izv.prof.dr.sc. Ivana Grčić
Robert Pašičko
Assistant Professor Vitomir Premur
Nikola Hrnčić, mag.ing.geoing., mag.ing.aedif.
Doc.dr.sc. Lucija Radetić
Nikola Kaniški, mag.ing.amb.
DSc Denis Težak
Kristina Miklec, mag.ing.amb.

Activities of the Department:
Teaching activity
Scientific-resarch activity
Professional activity

Laboratory for Environmental Engineering