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About a graduate study programme

Category: Diplomski studij

A graduate study programme in Environmental Engineering last for two years and includes Geoenvironmetal Engineering, Water Management and Environmetal Management. Students who have completed a university undergraduate study programme or an equivalent study programme abroad can enroll. Upon the completion you will be able to manage the environment in a sustainable way as well as take personal and team responsibility for strategic decision-making and successful implementation of tasks while writing reports, studies and projects in the area of environmental engineering. Also, you will be able to implement regulations concerning environmental engineering and take social and ethical responsibility for consequences.

Upon the completion of the study programme, you will be warded with:

Master Degree in Environmental Engineering


Common learning outcomes

Upon the completion of the graduate study programme you will be able to:

  • use advanced knowledge of natural sciences, maths and basic engineering disciplines while writing reports, studies and projects in the area of environmental engineering

  • synthesize the principles of environmental engineering while preparing project documentation and conducting projects

  • manage the environment in a sustainable way as well as take personal and team responsibility for strategic decision-making and successful implementation of tasks

  • perform complex activities as well as apply complex methods, instruments, tool and materials in environmental engineering

  • implement regulations concerning environmental engineering and take social and ethical responsibility for consequences

Linked Documents:

Pravilnik o završetku diplomskog studija Inženjerstvo okoliša na Geotehničkom fakultetu.pdf
Pravilnik o studiranju na sveučilišnom preddiplomskom i diplomskom studiju Geotehničkog fakulteta.pdf
Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Pravilnika o završetku diplomskog studija Inženjerstvo okoliša na GFV-u 2023.pdf
Upute za pisanje diplomskog rada 2022.pdf
Pravilnik o uvjetima studiranja sportaša na Geotehničkom fakultetu.pdf