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Category: Preddiplomski studij

Why should you study Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering?

The study programme of Environmental Engineering delivered at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering in Varaždin educates students in the field of water, air and soil protection. During undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes students acquire competences in the area of waste management, environmental protection, water protection, geotechnics, green energy and circular economy, which opens up opportunities in the area of green jobs.

The studying programmes enable students to acquire basic knowledge of fundamental natural, technical and computer sciences that are a prerequisite for understanding the basic principles of environmental engineering. Besides theoretical education, students also have to attend 160 hours of compulsory professional practice, which provides an opportunity for students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.
Since the academic 2018/2019, the Faculty has been delivering a doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering (the first of this kind in Croatia), which seeks to link the topics of water, soil and air protection, waste management and energetics in an interdisciplinary way.

Scientific research is also conducted at the Faculty. For that purpose the Faculty uses the Geotechnical Laboratory, the Laboratory for Environmental Engineering, the Laboratory for Environmental Geochemistry, a chemical practicum and an IT centre for GIS. The Faculty is also has equipment which can be used for field exploratory works. Since the researchers who participate in them also teach at the Faculty, they transfer the latest knowledge and research results to their students. Currently, six scientific-research projects are being conducted at the Faculty; two are financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and three are financed by the European structural funds and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. The scientific and professional cooperation between the Faculty and other similar higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia and from abroad also contributes to teaching and scientific work. Along with teaching and scientific-research work, the Faculty maintains and develops the cooperation with a business sector by carrying out studies and projects in the area of environmental engineering.

Employment possibilities

If you would like to pursue a scientific career, you can enrol in a postgraduate doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering at our Faculty. If you have been an excellent student, you can start your academic career as an assistant at our Faculty. Just in the last two years we employed 5 ex-students who are working on currently active projects.
If you would like to pursue a career outside an academic or scientific environment, there are a lot of possible employees who can offer you a job, such as state and local government institutions, companies that employ experts on environmental protection, such as municipal services, waste management centres, wastewater treatment plants, exploitation fields and also in companies which deal with renewable energy sources and in companies whose production process can have adverse effects on the environment.

You can also become an inspector for environmental protection and with this profession you can find a job in the EU.

Linked Documents:

GFV Studij inženjerstva okoliša 2024.pdf