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Associate Professor Anita Ptiček Siročić



Department: Department of Water Management
Floor: 3
Office: 97
Office hours: -

Phone: +385 42 408 957
Mobile: +385 91 179 1019
E-mail: anita.pticek.sirocic@gfv.unizg.hr


Undergraduate study programme in Environemtal Engineering:
Chemical Lab
Analytical Environmental Chemistry
Methods of Polymer Analysis in Industry and the Environment
Basics of Organic and Inorganic Technology

Graduate study programme in Environmental Engineering:

Water Quality Management

Doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering
Recycling and Disposal of Polymers

2001-2006 Doctor of science, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (Ph.D.), December 2006

2006 – 2013 Research Assistant at the Department of Polymer Engineering and Organic Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb
2013 –2018 Assistant Professor at the Department of Hydrotechnics, Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb
2018 – Associate Professor at the Department of Hydrotechnics, Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb

Research interests include:
Synthesis of graft copolymers - studying of polymerization conditions and effects of structure of polymers on properties. Degradation and stability of polymer materials. Polymer blends – miscibility, studying of interface, morphology, physical and mechanical properties. Polymer processing - extrusion, reactive extrusion and conditions of processing. Nanocomposites/composites for food packaging. Recycling of polymer materials - chemical and mechanical recycling of PET and PE polymers.
Newer research studies include the development and introduction of new methods of exploration of water resources, protection of water resources, management of underground and surface waters, hydrogeochemical and agrochemical research of natural water, wastewater and soil.

Reviewer of scientific papers in:
Polymer Engineering and Science, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Environmental Technology, Polymer Bulletin, Food Biophysics, Polymer Degradation & Stability, American Journal of Applied Sciences, Archives of Dairy Research and Technology, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, Chemistry in Industry, American Journal of Environmental Protection, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Textile & Leather Review, Journal of Composite Science, Applied Sciences, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, Sustainability

Author and co-author of: scientific book "Nanoparticles in Active Polymer Food Packaging “, scientific papers cited in CC, SCI, SCIex bases and other bases (CROSBI)

Member of the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists (HDKI), Society of Friends of Chemical Technology Studies (AMACIZ), CROLAB, editorial board in Journal of Environmental Engineering, editorial board in Materials Science: Materials Review, editorial bord in Composite Materials, editorial bord in Materials Science: Advanced Industrial Materials

Other: Head of the Laboratory for Environmental Geochemistry (2016-)
ECTS coordinator (2015-)
the Bronze Medal for Innovation at the 15th International Exhibition of Innovation
ARCA 2017, Oct. 2017.