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Karlo Leskovar, Ph.D.




Department: Department of Water Management
Floor: 3
Office: 96
Office hours: 7:00 - 8:00 (MON-FRI)

Phone: -
Mobile: +385 91 769 0077
E-mail: karlo.leskovar@gfv.unizg.hr


Undergraduate study programme in Environmental Engineering:
Engineering Geology
Hydrotechnical Structures

Graduate study programme in Environmental Engineering:

Hydrology of River Basins
Water Supply and Drainage
Groundwater Dynamics and Modelling
Hydroenergetic Structures

Doctoral degree: 2022. (Increase of hydrological model skill for the mountainous basins by integration of remote sensing data; supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Damir Bekić)
Graduated: 2013. (Hydrogeological relations in coastal karst aquifers; supervisor: Professor Ranko Biondić)

Teaching activity:
At the undergraduate study programme in Environmental Engineering he is an assistant lecurer in the courses Engineering Geology, Hydrology and Hydrotechnical Structures. At the graduate study of Environmental Engineering he is an assistant lecturer in the courses River Basin Hydrology, Water Supply and Sewerage, Dynamics and Modelling of Groundwater and Hydroenergetic Structures.

Scientific research activity:
His research interests include the impact of snowmelt on runoff and application of remote sensing to improve snow and ice-melt runoff prediction. He explores the possibility of applying remotely sensed snow and ice-covered area data in hydrological models based on artificial neural networks (ANN) with recurrent architectures (Recurrent Neural networks - RNN, Long-Short Term Memory - LSTM and Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory - ConvLSTM).

Medium.com & GitHub

In his spare time he writes and publishes short stories on Python programming and its application in Hydrology at Medium.com.

Some of the scripts related to data hydrological and meteorological data handling, artificial neural network based hydrological models and the published articles can be found on his GitHub profile.