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Teaching assessment

Category: O fakultetu


Student surveys are a basic method used by the University of Zagreb to assess a teaching quality. Students can assess their professors by filling in Surveys on the Assessment of Professors and they can assess their overall satisfaction with the study programmes by filling in Surveys on the Assessment of the Whole Study Programme. Both surveys are conducted continually (http://www.unizg.hr/vrjednovanje-ankete).

Anketa za procjenu nastavnika
Anketa za vrednovanje studija u cjelini
Dodatne metode vrednovanja

On-line surveys

At the end of each semester students can fill in completely anonymous on-line surveys on the assessment of their professors; in case they have some questions or some things are not clear, they can contact the Faculty`s Committee for Quality Assurance.

The results of student surveys

Student surveys, which enable students to assess their professors, are cyclically conducted at the University of Zagreb and their results are made public. From the academic year 2011/2012, each constituent member of the University of Zagreb has to carry out teaching assessment at least once in three years by using a paper and pen method.

Rezultati ankete za procjenu nastavnika na razini SuZ-a
Izvješće o provedenoj anketi za procjenu nastavnika ljetni semestar 2015-2016.pdf
Izvješće o provedenoj anketi za procjenu nastavnika zmski semestar 2015-2016.pdf

Rezultati ankete za vrjednovanje studija u cjelini na razini SuZ-a


E-učenje na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu

- the contribution of professors to e-learning is assessed according to the guidelines of the Teaching Committee
- the Committee for Quality Assurance assesses the contribution of professors to e-learning according to the Faculty`s Manual for Quality Assurance

Informacijski sustav visokih učilišta (ISVU)

- the data on teaching programmes, enrollments, students, exams, the completion of the study and the employees are included

MOZVAG – preglednik studijskih programa

- it enables the insight into the approved study programmes in the Republic of Croatia