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Doctoral study programme

Category: Doktorski studij

Environmental Engineering

University doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering is an answer to the demands of our everyday life in which we encounter the problems of environmental pollution, climate change, exploitation of resources such as mineral raw materials, soil, water, inefficient waste management and other environmental issues.

For this reason the doctoral study programme places emphasis on one of the greatest needs of today`s society and that is circular economy, which has to enable sustainable waste management, the management and protection of natural resources, the introduction of renewable energy sources and in that way contributes to the mitigation of climate change.

The university postgraduate doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering is the only such study programme in Croatia.

In order to solve the environmental problems we face, the doctoral study programme connects theoretical knowledge, scientific-research work and practical experience in the field of interdisciplinary technical sciences. In that way students acquire sufficient knowledge which they need in order to successfully solve multidisciplinary environmental problems.

Doctors of science in Environmental Engineering are ready to solve complex environmental problems in the future by using their knowledge and competences. Also, it should be emphasized that the EU and Croatia propose the need for scientific research on the environment and its protection as their key strategies, which opens up the possibility of employing future doctors of science in this area.

Elaborat doktorskog studija
Doctoral study programme

[What is a doctoral study?] For more information on postgraduate study programmes visit the following pageSveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Linked Documents:

Odluka o troškovima razlikovnih ispita na PDS IO.pdf
Preporuka o produžetku rokova za završetak poslijediplomskih sveučilišnih studija Senata SuZg-a.pdf
Interni obrazac_Prijava izlaganja na diskusijskim skupinama.docx
Interni obrazac_Prijava istraživačkog seminara.docx
Interni obrazac_Prijava teme doktorskog rada.docx
Interni obrazac_Priznavanje ECTS bodova ostalih oblika rada.docx
Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Pravilnika o PDS IO 2021_9.mj.pdf
Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Pravilnika o PDS IO 2021_11.mj.pdf
HODOGRAM – od prijave teme do obrane doktorskog rada.pdf
Interni obrazac_Zahjev za pokretanje postupka ocjene doktorskog rada.docx
Interni obrazac_Pisana Suglasnost Mentora.docx
Izvedbeni plan-Doktorski studij ak.god. 2022_2023.pdf
Odluka o visini naknada za sudjelovanje u izvedbi doktorskog studija 2023.pdf
Interni obrazac_Zahtjev za nadoknadu materijalnih troškova vezanih za izradu doktorskog rada.docx
GFV_Obrazac prijava teme doktorskog rada (2 Mentora).docx
Odluka o visini naknada za obrazovanje u ak.god. 2023.-2024.pdf
Izvedbeni plan - Doktorski studij IO ak.god. 2023-2024.pdf
Pravilnik o poslijediplomskom doktorskom studiju IO.pdf