Category: Doktorski studij
The Faculty`s Ordinance on the Doctoral Study Programme , which is synchronized with the
Ordinance on Doctoral Studies of the University of Zagreb
determines the way in which the doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering is organised and delivered.
Postgraduate doctoral study programme in Environmental Engineering lasts for 3 years, i.e. six semesters and carries 180 ECTS credits. Upon the completion of the study, you will gain an academic title of Doctor of Science (Ph.D.).
The teaching consists of several modules, which makes it easier for you to recognize your research interests. For more information, go to the following webpage- Nastavni moduli.
Types of work
You can earn 29 ECTS credits through this type of work. You enrol in 1 obligatory course and in 1 out of 7 elective courses at the study level.
Within 5 modules that are offered (Nastavni moduli), with the permission of the head of the studies, you enrol in 4 elective courses from a chosen module.
[!] Of course, besides courses from only one module, you can choose courses from all other modules and in that way you determine the structure of the teaching part of the doctoral study programme.
Other obligatory types of work
Other obligatory types of work include research seminars and participation in discussion groups. You can earn 3 ECTS credits through these types of work
Other activities
Other activities include publication of scientific papers, participation in national and international conferences, scientific specialization on other institutions and participation in international summer schools/workshops or courses. Scientific papers published in journals which are indexed in CC, SCI/SCI expanded and SCOPUS bases are especially evaluated, bur publication of papers in other bases is also evaluated. Evaluation also includes participation in national and international conferences, scientific specialization on other institutions for a minimum of one month and participation in international summer schools/workshops or courses.
[!] The maximum number of schools is two and doctoral students prove their participation with a summer school exam and/or a course/workshop attendance/completion certificate.
Doctoral thesis Doctoral thesis is written for the purpose of gaining a doctoral degree and it represents a thorough and systematic scientific discussion (written or printed) about a certain question. It contributes to a better understanding of a theme or an area and for that reason it carries 130 ECTS.
Your progress is evaluated and monitored through an Online Base of Doctoral Students of the University of Zagreb (OBAD). In it you will find forms you will need during your doctoral study.
Detailed information on the evaluation system and an envisaged dynamics of fulfilling your obligations can be found in the following tables.
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