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Student mobility

Category: Mobilnost studenata

Student mobility in Croatia and abroad is possible through:

a) Study visit:

During a study visit students stay at a national or an international higher education institution for the purpose of attending lessons, taking exams or writing a master thesis. Students have to choose a higher education institution with a study programme similar to the one they have enrolled in at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering so that their ECTS credits can be recognised. One of the most common study visit programmes within the EU is ERASMUS+ and a prerequisite for the participation is that the Faculty has signed a bilateral agreement with a partner institution.

The Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering has signed agreements with the following institutions:

- Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria (web)
- University of Maribor, Slovenia (web)
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain (web)
- University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia (web)
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (web)
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia (web)
- Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania (web)
- University of Naples Federico II, Italy (web)
- Dublin City University, Irelan (web)
- The Polytech Orleans Engineering Faculty, France (web)

Students are advised to regularly visit the webpages of the University of Zagreb:

b) Horizontal mobility:

Students can participate in a horizontal mobility based on the provision 29 of the Ordinance on Undergraduate and Graduate Studying at the University of Zagreb. Within a horizontal mobility at the University of Zagreb students enrol in elective courses at other university studies (study programmes) which are not delivered at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering.
In order to participate in a horizontal mobility, students have to find a course at some other college/faculty whose contents and learning outcomes correspond to a study programme they have enrolled in at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering before the beginning of a semester in which they participate in mobility. Students have to pay for eventual travelling costs if a course they have chosen is not delivered in Varaždin.

c) Professional practice:

A professional practice can last for a minimum of 2 months or for a maximum of 12 months. The duration is determined by an arrangement between a private institution and a student. During a professional practice students have to work full-time (6 to 8 hours a day).
During a professional practice students are enrolled in their parent faculty. Students who have an obligation to pay for their study costs have to continue paying for them during an exchange programme. Is some rare cases such as the Erasmus+ professional practice it is possible to finish studying (graduate) before participating in the mobility on the condition that students apply for and sign a document called Learning Agreement for Traineeships before the completion of their studies.
Students themselves find an institution / a company in which they will perform professional practice or they arrange it with an ECTS coordinator / a mentor at a faculty / an academy. A professional practice has to be connected with a study programme delivered at their parental faculty / academy.

Students are advised to regularly visit the webpages of the University of Zagreb:

Possibilities of co-financing and financing student mobility

Foreign student visits are mostly co-financed through various programmes (ERASMUS, CEEPUS and others). Also, it is possible to find a few scholarships which fully cover the costs of student mobility. In order to participate in a mobility and to get financial support, students have to follow calls (mostly posted on the Internet) and apply in due time.

Additional information on student mobility:
Ured za međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU
ESN Croatia Erasmus Student Network
IASTE - studentska organizacija
BEST - studentska organizacija

Co-financing of student mobility by the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering

The Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering additionally co-finances a student mobility because of the importance of study visits and professional practice abroad.

i>A contact person for student mobility at the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering

In order to apply for and participate in student mobility programmes, students have to contact the Faculty ECTS Coordinator (Associate Professor Anita Ptiček Siročić, e-pošta: anita.pticek.sirocic@gfv.unizg.hr).

Linked Documents:

Odluka o poticanju studentske mobilnosti.pdf
Kriteriji za ocjenu pristiglih prijava za mobilnost studenata (KA103) ak.god. 2021.-2022.pdf
Kriteriji GFV za rangiranje kanidata akademska mobilnost 2024..pdf