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Scientific-resarch activity

Category: Inženjerstvo okoliša

Scientific-research activities of the Department are primarily directed towards finding scientifically based solutions in the area of waste management, wastewater and waste air by using advanced engineering methods.

The employees of the Department are currently leading the following scientific-research projects:

Ispitivanje i modeliranje mehaničkog ponašanja bioosušenog otpada kao preduvjet energetske oporabe - WtE
Leader: Associate Professor Igor Petrović; HRZZ UIP-2017-05-5157; 2018.-2022.

Otpad i Sunce u službi fotokatalitičke razgradnje Mikroonečišćivala u vodama (OS-Mi)
Leader: Izv.prof.dr.sc. Ivana Grčić; OP KK.; 2020.-2023.